Supervision: the gift of Apprenticeship and Hands on Support

Apprenticeship and Hands on support

Through the challenges of "handling me" and his vulnerabilities, my supervisor has always been there for me. This guided my own practice with my clients and supervisees as I challenge myself to be supportive on that high standard. Many people don't know my "super caustic nature", and I am able to be be different and remember the commitment to be kind because of what was provided generously to me. Today i hope I brought that into the session, and I also brought in physically this lovely gift that he did after our "appraisal" in 2011. 



SASW subsidies and financial assistance for Supervision

Do you know that SASW provides subsidies for supervision? Employer sponsored supervision will only cost employers $24-30/hr (individual) $34-40/hr (group). Social workers without sponsorship can also seek financial help from SASW.

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